Originally Posted by Spotshooter
Well I got one of those Cuisinart ice cream makers…

It said to mix the ingredients and then chill and then do the machine thing…

I didn’t have a hand mixer so I used a hand held food processor thing with a Whisk on it…

OOPS … it frothed / foamed the cream (Put a ton of air in it)…..

When I put it in the machine later it worked but the ice cream came out as airy or fluffy…

Aw hell…

Well try it again soon.

Do this.

Beat two eggs until well beaten. Add 3/4 cup of sugar. Beat until smooth. Add two cups of ice cold heavy cream and one cup of ice cold whole millk. Add the scrape from one whole vanilla bean. Beat well, add to your Cuisinart and let it go.

Make sure that liner has been in the freezer for a minimum of 24 hrs before beginning. It takes a long time to freeze solid.