52, is love to last 30 more good years and not to have to waste money
on another car. Alas, I live in the Rust Belt.

Rusty old factories, nice looking 8-10 year old vehicles at Wal-Mart with
no rocker panels, holes through the PU beds.

You don't see the 300-400k vehicles here that guys mention on the 'fire.

So, with any luck, I'll go through a bunch more.
Bought older, ran to the dump and then replaced.

From 2007 until 2020 I killed 3.
92-96, total for the bunch was around $6500.
Rarely changed to oil, new tires on 2, around $1k in repairs over
the whole deal.

Shame to spend that much and have nothing to show for it now!

Love machines, love cars.
Not worth the $$$

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!