Originally Posted by shinbone
Cabelas is a big corporation selling buying and thousands of rifle each year. They're not going to concede to the special request of each and every potential buyer from across the nation. Yeah, they should wipe down their guns before the photography session, and they should take better pictures, too. But it is more profitable (i.e., consuming fewer corporate resources) to write-off the small group of critical buyers as too maintenance-intense, and focus on selling to the average Joe. They'll make pretty much the same profit with far fewer hassles.

A person wanting good customer service is going to have to go to their LGS, pay the up-charge, and be patient while stuff is ordered.
Cabelas' biggest issue is that half the time they let you buy something that isn't actually in stock and inform you a week later. So maybe they should take all the easy opportunities to win points with customers? 😂😵