Originally Posted by Blackheart
You're nothing but a bunch of pussies just hoping and praying things will get painful enough for somebody else so they'll do what you're too cowardly and lazy to do. You'll never do a damn thing but bitch like a bunch of old women and everybody knows it including you. "Alphas" my ass.

Lol. Right. You're advocating for open warfare while sitting in your gimp suit complaining about how the free soup run out before you got to the front of the line. Your pride rights were violated.

You don't do what needs being done until it's time. It's not time yet because, honestly, there isn't enough real suffering going on. There's hardly some inconvenience. Bout it.

You're the guy that wants someone else to shoot someone because they called you a bad name basically. Minor transgression, unable to handle things yourself and complain that others, who are worried about larger things "on the horizon" but not here today won't fight for you.
