Originally Posted by RJY66
Originally Posted by CashisKing
Originally Posted by wabigoon
Most homeless people are mentally ill, hard to help them, sad as it is.

Please define "Mentally Ill"...


Some people just ain't right.

I've been helping out a guy in his 70's who has anger issues and its ruined his life. Can't get along with anyone. Can't let little things go. Mentally he is stuck between age 15-17. Can't understand cause and effect. Can't learn from painful experiences. Can't keep his damn mouth shut. Has to try and be the world's policeman. Ain't got a pot to piss in but expects to be treated like a guest at Mara Lago at the various subsidized places he has lived. Estranged from family from being an [bleep]. Can't afford rent for a single family house on his social security....is financially stretched even living in subsidized housing.

I've got him off the street twice but I have told him he is on his own the next time he effs up. He does not drink, does not do drugs.......he just ain't right. To talk to him casually, you would never know.

The question was more for Wabi... but thanks for answering

Why have you helped him?


Why will you NOT help him a 3rd time?


Maybe you are a Christian... maybe you are not... that is not the answer I am seeking...

What is the core need inside of you that is served by helping him... but not helping him forever?

Why is there a limit to your charity?


In a nutshell...

Toxic people are helped for how long?

Dopers and drunks... for how long?

Hissy Fit Karen and her screaming kids get to throw tantrums for how long?

Should we pass a law that "No one Is Left Behind EVER"?

Point being... victims used to be a fairly small percentage of the human race...

Now "Victimhood" is a full time job with benefits.

Turn on a TV... any TV... any channel... "Victims" are EVERYWHERE!

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.