Originally Posted by CashisKing
In short...

If they choose to die... or walk a death path... let them.

Every slum on plant earth used to be a lush green field... then people occurred... then garbage heeps...

It is not natural... in nature... for mass decay to be summarily encouraged/fertilized and grown...

What harvest is there to reap?

Recreational drug use is a choice, at least in the beginning. I'm against saving opioid overdoses with Narcan. A lot of people on this site seem to find this position offensive, but it is my position, and it is based on watching more than one addict destroy himself and his family.

One of my friends' kids got depressed because he didn't get accepted into the top tier medical schools that he applied to, so instead of going to a 2nd tier medical school, he escaped from his sadness with oxy and got addicted to it. He has lied, stolen, and manipulated for over 10 years, going from rehab program to rehab program, living in shelters and on the street. He'd go through rehab and be clean/sober for a while, but he'd start using again when people wouldn't affirm his brilliance by giving him jobs that he hadn't earned. He can't hold a steady job, often because instead of doing his assigned job well, he will tell his management team how stupid they are. He has burned almost all of his bridges with friends and family and lives on social welfare programs. A wasted life, going from college graduate, BYU, headed to med school into a roller coaster of addiction to recovery and back again. His Mother told me that she wished that he would die and end everybody's pain. She told me that he had told her that he had been revived with Narcan several times. He's likely to keep using and wrecking everything he touches until he overdoses and the EMTs don’t reach him in time to administer Narcan.

Over that time he reached out to me and asked for money, so I sent him money, thinking that I was helping him. But, after awhile, I realized that he was manipulating me and that I wasn't helping him get better, just enabling him to continue to use drugs. When he had money, he bought better drugs. I bought him clothes when he was in rehab programs. I paid fines for him so that he could get his driver's license back. Then I stopped. When he asked me why, I told him that it was because he had lied to me. His response was that he was an addict and that I should have known better than to trust an addict. Bridge burned, bank closed.