Originally Posted by tikkanut
I shop walmart.......1-2 times month

Do the online store pick up outside

Don't have to deal with the bozzo checkers inside

Or people having family reunions in aisle 46

They bring it outside to meet you

Actually works well

I never have and don't plan to ever use Walmart's or for that matter any other store's 'order on line - pick up outside' service for our groceries -- specifically food -- and especially not fresh meat, dairy, fresh produce / fruit and food that must be kept cold/frozen. Why? Because I think it's a pretty safe bet that the order pullers grab the easiest and closest items and move on to pulling the next online order with no regard to quality, condition, expiration dates, damaged packaging, etc., etc., then it sits for Lord only knows how long until another store 'associate' can bring it to your vehicle.

As always, ...YMMV