Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by slumlord
Oh yea, I know I could 5 days without losing anything frozen.

I purposefully have 5-7 cub ft freezers that I could run with only about 2amp draw

Got 2 small 5,000 watt generators and 3 different DC-to-AC invertors that could keep everything frozwn

Got about 45 gals of stabilized gasoline on hand to run gens and 7 cars that could run invertors. Would onky have to run those units 3-4 hours a day to keep frozen

I wouldnt have to do anything for 3 days long as I didn’t open doors and lids.

Besides, I’m referring to long term outages. 2,3 weeks.

Don’t have a solar array yet. Or a whole house.

I’d begin to make jerky out of the several hundred lbs of beef and deer ai had *if* things began to look bleak.

I have 30 lbs Tender Quick sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, and Prague #1. Start curing. I have 4 dehydrators, propane outdoor range top, 300 gals of propane, and a couple thousand canning jars.

I ain’t concerned about much.
I just plugged the fridge and freezer into my generator for a few hours each day after day two. The wood stove kept us warm and our cook stove is gas so we were fine. No need for any extreme measures. We lose power here 3-4 times a year on average for anywhere from a day to a week so we're used to it.

It’s good to plan for it, fun to talk about the what ifs.