Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
A "filing fee" is $300, plus $10 per acre-foot, plus 25% penalties.

In Idaho, it takes 5 or 6 acre feet per acre to grow crops. More for long season crops like sugar beets, less for short season crops like wheat.

California has a much longer growing season than does Idaho. They often grow two crops per season, where we can only get one.

Without actual data, I might make a guess that California Ag could easily require 10 acre feet per year or more. So, a $100/acre additional tax on ag lands to pump the water under your own land.

It is just a precursor to the day the "Progressives" achieve the power to "nationalize" the farm lands of America and put them into "the collective".

We have plenty of water in Commyfornia for Dust Control on Construction sites most of them use Fire Hydrants This is our Drinking water Not Reclaimed water.
We also have plenty of Water for the Golf Courses They classify them as Agriculture and they get a special reduced cost for their use over the Joe Blow Home Owners.