Dude my brain isn't working today. I figured the best part for you would be telling about how I whiffed a gimme shot on not only a gemsbok but managed to airball a couple baboons too😂.

But the leopard brawl is worth mentioning isn't it?I can tell you that hearing two adult leopards going at it will snap you back to attention really quick. The amount of time that had passed up to that point could have been 9 days or 9 years. At that point it no longer mattered. Then having it appear moments later, there are no immediate words that come to mind to begin to explain the excitement and the emotion that I was feeling, to try and do so would do it an injustice.

The image of that cat, on his hind legs, both paws up on the bait and going to town on some donkey will be forever burned into my brain.

The crazy thing was, after the cat hit the ground, we waited a bit before checking the situation out, the other cat, presumably the one that was in the brawl earlier was slinking back to the bait. It wasn't until it saw Jan that it high tailed it back to the rocks. It seemed to be completely unphased by the crack of the rifle. Pressured farm cats my azz. Anyone wanting a leopard should give Sebra a shot.