Bytching hauling azz little mofo...
Goes thru the woods with impunity picking your way along.
Toss dead things in the back without phobias of icky blood ruining paint....

washed going down the highway in the rain.
Clear coat ????
We don't worry bout no stinking clear coat.
Undercarriage pristine???
Fuuuuck no....
"Lore of patina" coating schit on dat undercarriage.
Mech and running train👍👍👍
EPA disaster site seal wise front to rear??? Fuuuuck no.
Had the AC pulled down and recharged last summer👍👍👍
Changed plugs 2 yrs ago.
Drained and replaced fluids front to rear about month after I got it 3yrs ago.
Change oil every 5k, run wally world syn in it.
And the dreaded fram oil filters.

Needs a new set of sneakers....

0 payment.......

Love ta see a tar baby bounce on down a old brush and sapling
infested Sherman tank trail for about a 1/2 mile straddling the ruts and throw a dead buck in the bed of their tar baby. And then turn around doing a million point turn between trees and boogie on out to the main rd
Never happens...
They need a 6 to 8 k wheeler for that...

Ford Ranger 4wd short bed reg cabs could do schit like also.

Last brand new Full size truck I had was a 1991 reg cab short bed
5.0L 5spd man F150 with locker hubs.
That was waay before the bullschit Triton POS engine era.

Never owned a chevy truck in my life till I found this little 1 owner.

All thanks to my Father in laws bullschitt manipulation games old fuggs like to play before they kick the bucket for their little selfish reasons.
Like candy, ice cream, and online gambling.
Even lie to hospital staff so they can get released and make ya look like a fool when you find out you have been named the care person and never fuuucking knew.

So thanks Jerry...
At least I found a good used small 4wd after the stunts you pulled.
Which led me to totaling my 4wd Ranger unreplaceable fuuucking unicorn I had......

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