Originally Posted by RockyRaab
Jorge, there are lots of Special Ops missions in places of low to no threat where all other platforms are too fast, too expensive, insufficient loiter, or otherwise incompatible. We don't need hundreds of such aircraft, but we do need a few. Note that the AT-802 is being bought to replace and improve upon an existing platform, so the mission is clearly there and being flown.

You would never argue that SEAL teams have no use because they are too small, too lightly armed, and would never survive against a full enemy army, would you? This plane is a rough analogy to a SEAL team.

I'd also think you might use this instead of a UAV when the risk of loss is high- how much tech could be reversed engineered from a blown up and burned cropduster vs UAV - by the Chinese or someone?

Don't always take the F1 Ferrari to go get milk - type of thing.
