Originally Posted by hanco
That was a hell of a lot, did you get other bids???

I apologize for not being more clear in the previous posts...

A friend was asked to bid on a resurfacing job (the wearing surface... i.e. the wood that you actually walk on on a deck) by a Realtor selling a house.

Buyer and seller agree a new deck wearing surface is appropriate for the sale of the house. It is a short 3 day turn around job accordingly.

The framing is good to go, but the wearing surface (5/4 board) is poor/failing.

He bid the job at $11,000... and the buyer/seller/Realtor accepted his bid of $11,000.

He will be using 2x6 lumber as an upgrade.

If he pulls the job off in 3 days he will make $2,733 a day after materials, but not including chainsaw gas, fuel, dump fees (if any), CCCP permits etc.

Basically $250 per hour plus/minus...

That was the nature of my question.

Is $250 per hour a reasonable rate for a blue collar laborer?

Again... my apologies for any confusion in not being more clear previously.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.