So true about transplants. Very few of the old guys were born and raised where they currently reside yet they feel entitled to control further imports into their towns. I was actually concerned about this issue when contemplating our future move north but after worrying about it for awhile I came to the very same conclusion. Those that I was most concerned with placating were some of the newest transplants while the ones that lived there for decades or longer were more welcoming. I asked a couple of the long term, lifetime guy’s their opinions concerning my plans and they told me that I had as much right as anyone else to do as I pleased and that I should just ignore the hypocrites and loudmouths. I was rather surprised at their comments but they were most definitely welcome words.

I can understand why no right-minded conservative would want douchey liberals moving into their state, county or locale. Liberals destroy everything they come into contact with so keeping them out is a logical step in self-preservation but conservatives shouldn’t alienate other conservatives.imo

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~