Originally Posted by renegade50
Hey "Uncle Alvah"
Remember the thread you started about gwammy,s jail bird grandson you started awhile back.
How you was afraid he was gonna harm you or kick your butt if he came back to live with his gwammy.
And how you was asking advice on here about how to handle it all.

How did all that ever turn out????

Is he back at home now at Gwammy,s house making your life miserable.
You never gave us a update.

Was his getting out of jail and coming back to live in his gwammy,s house with you and her all anexity filled for you like this the night before in your dreams.

You got your looney tunes appt for depression coming up soon with the VA right???
Let us know how that goes.

I got a picture of a present I wanna send ya after your appt.
Please start a thread about your appt for us.

I mean since you share everything else with us in your Trainwreck Troll life with us on here and all.
Why not what you said to the shrink also...


Worried about " Uncle Alvah

His shrinkologist appt with the VA should have gone down by now.

Anyone got a update on him???

Did he get some happy pills for his brain chemistry and schit???

Ain't heard from "The Trainwreck Troll".

Hate it when people start threads about all their problems and NEVER give a update on what happened or how they are now.

Why would people do that.
Could they be looking for attention anyway they can get it on here just by making up schit.