Return to zero is a depends thing.

For the Hunter that likely would use them, sure.
Good enough for most hunters? Absolutely.
We get obsessed, but if it hits within an inch or 1 1/2" of low,
you are killing deer all day long in the woods.

I'm sure they aren't reliable enough to work on a precision setup.
That's ok, most only ever were tried to about 300 yards, on game.

I have similar thoughts on see-through. Never used them, have replaced
some. For where they were used, by a one gun hunter who got used to
them and had 0 experience with other setups, they were fantastic.

Always wondered if the guys making so much fun of see-throughs ever
really compared them to their $200, half pound mounts holding a celestial telescope mounted on a "hunting" rifle.

Different strokes/folks. If it makes one happy, it's good.

Not sure why so many have trouble with that?

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!