Was neutral til fifth grade when we moved next to the "negro" neighborhood. If I fought one to keep my lunch money, two would be there tomorrow. Changed routes daily. Got more neutral in 1955 when we moved to a dual community, whites in the north, blacks congregated I southeast. College was an eye opener. Blacks going for free, getting "Cs" for showing up half the time. Thieving, molesting, raping. This was the sixties.
Flash forward to being a skilled trades shop supervisor. Black apprentices got three or more tries to pass a class. I had to include in my monthly reports my "good faith" eeo and affirmative action efforts. Had to give blacks raises based on nothing and demonstrated ability meaning nothing.
I did fire one black woman who I had documented with enough violations of attendance, poor quality, and falsifying records that the local chapter couldn't fight it.
Then, eight years of the Halfrican doing his damndest to split the USA followed by the next half and half as v.p. who can't put out a coherent sentence.
What have they robot to complain about?
When, at 65, I went to apply for SS, the whole room was full of young black mamas going for more assistance.