Gonehuntinnow, Look back at your posts with me. You expect me to be forthcoming with you? Why? I don't care what brand you like or don't like. Most of the mall-ninjas and wana be's don't seem to like Oly. They read all the stuff on ARF.com and repeat it on other boards like you do. The folks that actually use their AR's for varmint, or target and require accuracy tend to realize that Oly makes a pretty darn good barrel.

I am a master dealer/distributor for DPMS, a dealer with ArmaLite, a dealer with Rock River and a master dealer/distributor for Olympic Arms. All of them have good points and all of them have some product that I will not use. About the only thing I use that Oly makes is their barrels, free-float tubes and WSSM parts. Oly has their problems, but they produce great barrels. These guys producing receivers with soft coatings, do a lot of other things right, and I don't see any reason to give a guy like you something to twist around to suit your agenda.

Buy whatever you wish, I really don't care, but if you make disparaging comments about a product that I happen to know is false, then expect to be challenged on it.

There is a very fine line between "Hobby" and "Mental illness"