Seen a trannny smack dab in the middle of downtown LA.
The big ritzy high rise sky scrapers smack square center of the place.
Durndest thing I ever saw, besides the live Sex show dinner theater in Kharlesrhule long ago.

Anyways stopped real quick to use a ATM.
Cpt Stanton and SSG Hodakowski waiting for me in the Van
Trot across the street
Some blonde chick in a nice blue dress already at the machine ahead of me
Wait my turn

" chick" gets done turns around
Adam's apple and needs a shave.
I'm just standing their dumbfounded as " chick" is walking away looking at it walking away.
SSG Ski starts honking the horn I look over him and Cpt Stanton are dying in the van laughing.
Then seen it all go down didnt know it was a tranny either.
What got them laughing so hard was me just standing their dumbfounded by it all as it happened.


Last edited by renegade50; 09/28/22.