Total bullschidt click bait stunt shooting, there are no wind flags out there...shooter is wishing and hoping wind is consistent across the course...roughly 1 full second time of flight...shooter wishes and hopes buck doesn't take a step after the sear releases. Look at livestock grazing broadside 750 yards away, count to yourself one thousand one, if cow takes a step, congrats, you have either missed or gut shot. I'm glad we have the tech now to do this long range shooting, it's great, no question. I'm all in on it banging steel and paper myself.
I'm not seeing videos of gut shots and cripples, so either it never happens or the screw ups don't make it to you tube. If forty years of NRA competition means anything at all, I'll say that the first cold barrel sighter fired at the 600 yd line on an unfamiliar range has very little chance of being a ten or an X, and in Marksman and Sharpshooter classed shooters, the probability of a 6 or Maggie's Drawers is up around damn near 33%.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.