My 70 year old brother in law, normally a sensible man, does like his acceleration, and maybe some senior, 'this is my last shot at fun'...bought a new Ford Raptor a few years back. Then the sale of his crusher and ready mix plant fell through and he had to go back to work...using the Raptor as an every day work truck. Sweet Jeebus what a train wreck. The sonofabitch just fell apart, rear diff cratered at 4,000 mi, body parts started falling off, the door latch and hinges were wore out, hardly anything on the dash worked, including AC and heat controls. Power windows gave up several times, Ford said "excessive dust". The tailgate collapsed with a barrel of hydraulic oil on it, only 420 pounds? Toy type trucks are not built for work..or at least Raptors aren't.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.