Last year I installed a pair of Beamtech H13's in my Dodge Ram. I did have to add decoders to prevent flickering. They fit just like a regular halogen bulb. The dims have a distinct cutoff for oncoming cars. Being a pickup, I drive with different loads which will change the light angle. When it's heavy, oncoming cars will get blasted but they do with other types of bulbs, too. It's the load, not the lights.
They greatly increased the brightness. The stock bulbs in this pickup were terrible. The brights were dimmer than the dims on most cars. Now I finally have some decent lights.

The stock halogens say they're 1000 lumens. These say 16000. They're much brighter but certainly not 16x brighter. I don't know how to compare them accurately.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.