Old man in bed, knowing the end was near awoke to a beautiful day. Birds were singing and light breeze filled the house with the smell of early spring.

Suddenly, a faint hint of his favorite cookies baking came to him. Struggling mightly to an upright seat on the edge of the bed he rested. The aroma grew stronger, taunting him.

Struggling again he arose and used the furniture and then wall to reach the bedroom door. He rested. Agin he started moving slowly down the hall to the kitchen. His wife was just taking a sheet of cookies out of the oven.

Many more were on plates on the counter. He reached and found one still warm, promising a great chocolate gooey mess.

Suddenly his wife snatched the cookie away from him! "No! They are for the wake!"

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.