Originally Posted by blanket
We won't win, lets give them what they voted for. Hope they can fill their gas tank, hope they can pay their rent, hope they can find a job
Unfortunately, I speculate, that a majority of Democrat voters don't drive or even own a car (see large city numbers) and a large number of them don't have and don't want a job. They have voted for exactly what they want. Most rank and file voters do not connect high fuel costs with other increased costs, especially since the President and his willing accomplices in the media have convinced people that oil companies taking exorbitant profits is the reason for high fuel costs.

I venture to say, if they were honest, most of the Democrats on this forum and most of the lefties on this forum are single issue or maybe two issue voters. Whatever those issues are, in their minds, they trump and are more important than a healthy economy, low fuel prices, a secure border, protecting children from mutilation, high employment numbers, etc. They just never seem to want to be honest and tell us what those issues are.

Think about it. When we keep trying the same liberal policies, they always result in high inflation, high costs, high unemployment, amoral behavior/higher crime and destruction of our cities. When we keep trying the same conservative policies (note I did not say Republican policies) they always result in low inflation, lower costs, low unemployment, more moral behavior/less crime and revitalization of our cities and our entire country. Yet we play this stupid game repeatedly.

Like I've said previously, we know what works and what doesn't work. There is nothing new.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck