Originally Posted by 1beaver_shooter
Get as far off as you can and stay there

Lol that's exactly what they want you to do, and the selfish boomers (I know it's redundant) are doing that exact thing.

Yeah, you'll show them what for. [bleep] morons.

They are taking the wealth you put above family to accumulate, they've already trained your kids and grandkids to hate you and everything your generation stood for. Go ahead and scurry away in fear, because then they have it all. And what did you accomplish?

Being complicit in the end of America, all because you only cared about yourself. Period.
Look at the threads, all bitching about how things are and then worrying how to protect their "wealth". Then they wonder why the kids don't call.

Prove me wrong.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.