Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by SLM
Beav’, unfortunately you’re right. We’ve lost trapping and a few other things in NM because everyone talks a good fight on line, but doesn’t do jack sh it that matters. Talking tough on FB, Twitter, 24 Hour doesn’t change a dam thing. It’s my experience the ones that talk the most sh it on line do the least. If this can be beat in a state like OR, it sends a pretty loud message.

Keep up the good fight and we should all do what we can. Have a few more to send.

You said the part that people aren’t getting, beating it back in a liberal state has a much bigger effect than beating it in a state like Texas, Wyoming, Montana etc…
If we can win in Oregon, we can win everywhere.

I tried to tell everyone that while I realize Oregon is likely a lost cause for several more years. Oregon winning in court is a huge hammer to the Left and their anti-gun agents of change.

Remove the idea that this will help Oregon, and insert another State you care about. Fûck Oregon Liberals and the community of apathetic individuals that is pervasive in most of our counties. I’m not fighting for any of them.

I’m fighting this battle for States that don’t deserve to be faced with a similar law like 114. Certainly, me and those like me in Oregon will benefit from 114 being overturned. That’s just a side bonus.

I’m tired of the anti-gun legislation trickery. I want the courts to bedrock our 2A constitutional rights into the foreheads of people like Bloomberg, Soros, and all those individuals who say guns are the reason people are killing each other.

Emailing those Oregon Companies I posted will scare them - If the number of complaints are many, they will open their purses to fund the defeat of 114 in the 9th Circuit Court.

Some of you boys say you love a fight. This is a fight worth waging. Like SLM, Jack, Remsen, Nastucca, CashisKing and many others have said. It isn’t just for Oregon, it’s for everyone else that gives a shît about liberty and freedom to own and protect our constitutional right to easily purchase, carry, and own a firearm.

#FûckOregon #ButDon’tFûckStatesThatArentLiberal


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”