Originally Posted by Phillip_Nesmith
I hated simpler times. Pay phones, couldn't call anybody until you got home unless you had a sack full of coins and half the time the phone was on the fritz or out in the weather or the phone book was missing, no remote controls, black & white tv with nothing on those 2 channels, cars that would splatter your brains across the dashboard in a crash and got ten miles per gallon and had to be tuned up every ten thousand miles, leaky boots and the only waterproof jackets were pvc plastic, local stores closed on weekends, had to mail a check somewhere and wait 6 weeks to order something, subscribe to a bunch of magazines for a few pages of articles instead of days worth of reading at your fingertips, or worn out thirty year old books at the library, go sit in a crowded theater to watch a movie, take hours to cook food instead of minutes, beat your brains out to try to keep the house warm enough then burn up in the summer, die from some disease that simple drugs take care of. Beans and potatoes every day. Holey crappy clothes. Simpler times sucked azz. I love now.
Call collect.

Vegetables are not a modern invention.

The outdoors was and is much much better the more difficult it is to spend time in it. Joe Rogan and the endless yappy hunting shows were the worse thing possible for deer hunting. 10 grand worth of equipment does not make the hunting more enjoyable.