Sven worked in a logging camp in Oregon one winter but never fit in with the other guys. They were forever playing jokes on Sven, putting frozen turds in his bed, replacing his tobacco with dried pigweed, nailing his boots to the floor. Sven didn't have any friends in camp and one day over lunch someone noticed the camp mascot cat had been run over and smashed into the mud in camp. A couple guys went out with a pickax and broke that cat patty loose and when they went back inside one of them hurled it at Sven.

Their aim was true and it hit him in the head. Sven jumped to his feet, looked around the room and hollered, "Show me da man who hit mai wid da freeze-cat and ah git my satisfy!"

As told to me by an old friend.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack