Originally Posted by steve4102
I got my daily e-mail from the NRA this morning. One of the articles was titled,
5 Instances When Reloading Is Not Beneficial

Went through the basics with the first (4), then it came to number (5).

5: You're Planning To Use It For Self-Defense


JFC I thought that myth was expelled when everybody realized Massad Ayoob was an idiot sponsored by ammunition manufactures.

Back to the same question, find a single case where Handloads were used against the shooter in a good shoot.

I don't understand why you're so out of sorts about this. It sounds like a very reasonable precaution.

As for Ayoob being paid by ammo manuifacturers (it's not spelled "manufactures," BTW), what gun writer isn't. Free hunts and such.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.