That strong south wind doesn’t work for the two blinds I’m wanting to hunt out of so I stayed home today. One of my target bucks showed up on the Tactacam for first time in a couple weeks yesterday at 11 am. Even though the wind was wrong I went to the blind about 1:30 pm yesterday afternoon hoping to give anything I spooked going in time to come back before evening. I saw several does and young bucks but not what I was waiting for. I spent 9 hours in a different blind Wednesday to no avail. A really nice buck that’s been hanging out there all fall set off the Tactacam there at 8:15 am yesterday and again today. I’m going to try that spot again in the morning and shoot him if I get the chance. He’s the 3rd best buck on that farm but I don’t like my chances if I wait for one of the other two or the buck I went after yesterday. I’m really wanting to put a notch in my new Stag 6.8 spc.

Here is the pic from 11 am yesterday, sure wish I’d been in that Redneck blind in the background [Linked Image from]

Last edited by crc1514; 12/02/22.