Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by joshf303
Originally Posted by VaHillbilly
I have had many dozen's of hunting rifles over the last 35 years ( more than i can recall) and now I only buy rifles that have carbon wrapped barrels, I like the lightweight. A carbon wrapped barrel cools down 3x faster than a solid steel barrel does and that cut's my range time way down....Do I "need" my rifle to have a carbon wrapped barrel? No, but when is buying a new hunting rifle for loony's like us about "need".....good shooting...Hb

Have you actually weighed two barrels yourself and seen how many ounces you are “saving” going CF?

What about taking actual temps inside the bore…where the rubber meets to road?

Just curious…

Carbon fiber traps the heat...

just because you can't feel it on the surface doesn't mean it magically disappeared

So you mean…it’s a buncha marketing bullschit…again?