Originally Posted by pete53
> for a true bowhunter it will always be = GUT SHOT "its a sick feeling to us " and after 55 some years of bowhunting still is.
A true bowhunter with some trailing knowledge knows that a gut shot is one of the easiest deer ever to find.

I've not seen a single one make it past 100 yards and generally less than that. Unless you bump them. Then give them 8 hours. FULL 8 hours. Dead inside of 100, usually inside of 75. They won't go far from the hit. Even in open country. But if they see you or if you are dumb enough to even attempt to trail them any less than 8 hours it won't be good.

Can't understand why folks think its hard. I've been at this since a teenager and approaching 60 now. And guiding has also been a big part of it. IE I"ve seen a LOT of game shot and trailed.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....