having broke a few pit fights . The first thing they do when you grab their legs, try and choke or poke their butt hole them is turn around and try and chomp on you. Both times I was bit.

anyone else with actual first hand experience?

only thing that works is a bat repeatedly on the head or a gun. I did use a knife once and was bitten a few times

Originally Posted by sidepass
Was wearing a collar so shove a stick it there and twist the [bleep] out of it.

how long does it take to find to find a sturdy one inch stick on a busy street that won't break to put under the collar? lol Id like to see someone put a stick under an aggressive pit's collar that is fighting killing another dog and get close enough ( straddling it) to get the torque to twist it without gotten the schit bit out of you and the stick not breaking

Last edited by ribka; 12/08/22.