Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by grayfox
So, everyone's opinion, what would you accept as acceptable 3 shot group size at 100 yards. For hunting out to 400 yards, for big game. I shoot a 308, 150 Barnes ttsx 46 of varget, and get 1.1 to 1.2. Average. JB especially want your opinion

How about you actually shoot targets at 400yds long before you worry about shooting game at 400yds.

That's the way it is supposed to work.

Groups don't matter, hits on vital zones do matter.

Never ever shoot game further than your prior practice on targets proves you can do the deed.

Shoot your groups on paper and see what has promise or the one that has your bullet of choice. It's really true what Burnzy said that "groups don't matter, hit on vital zones do matter".

After my 100yd shots to get on paper I would put some clays out at 200, 300,400, and 500yds. If you can hit those that is sufficient and they're reactive and fun and cheap. Ideally this should be done in the field off a pack or other method you'd use. Then shoot the broken pieces. When you can break these repeatedly then your probably good to go.

Personally I practice this but on the steel animals
I practice sitting and offhand up to 400yd on small elk silhouettes. You can get extremely good and shockingly you can hit kill zone offhand with an good degree of consistency. But this is in an static situation. Still it makes easy to put shots 100,200,300 without running around looking for a space to go prone or find a rest. Its made me fast and freaking far more effective.

I agree the groups don't really matter. The ability to place is of far more relevance.