Originally Posted by KFWA
my son is at a point where he needs to start gearing up to be on his own

his gifts from me this year were tools - breaker bar, jack , deep well socket set and folding shovel to keep in the trunk of his car. A starter tool box to keep in the garage.

the daughter got the jack and breaker bar when she went off to college , this year she got an air pump where you put in the pressure number you want and it pumps the tire up to that.

last year she had a flat tire on the way home. She was about 4 hours away. A state trooper stopped to help her. He opened the trunk and saw a floor jack, a breaker bar with the 17mm socket on it and a full size spare in the trunk. He changed the tire for her. I had her do it at home but in the heat of the moment, on the side of the interstate, I'm glad she didn't have to try.

I got the state troopers name and wrote a thank you note to him.

Anyways we are probably guilty of buying too many gifts at Xmas, but the gifts we get now are gifts that get them started on life.

My daughter is big on painting, every Xmas she paints me a country scene - a barn, a field, etc. This year she painted my 8N in front of a smoker barn in a field covered in snow. She has talent.
Pics of the painting please 👍🏻