1992 stabbed through left lung

1994 shot in right leg

1995 torn abdominal muscle

2002 Broken back.

2005 Broken neck.

2008 Knocked a hole through the left side of my head and lacerated left temporal lobe.

2011 cut left thumb off but was able to get it reattached, it's nothing but a post now. Doesn't bend and minimal feeling.

2012 Car crash crushing every bone on my left side, collapsed lung, ruptured spleen.

2022 Torn meniscus.

2022 Broken shoulder.

2022 Severed deltoid ligament to right ankle.

Oh and cut myself shaving yesterday!

I'm sure there is something I'm missing but you get the gist! Calling me accident prone is an understatement. Everytime my mom says goodbye after a visit or on the phone, she always says "be careful"! She never says it to the other 5 siblings. I think most of her gray hair is my fault.