Originally Posted by cwh2
I just read back through smokepole's thread. Great ram, and a great description of the fun and the pain of sheep hunting.

Thanks Paul and Chris, and that's about the most succinct description I can think of, "the fun and the pain." That was before I got my ankle fixed so there was plenty of both. The surgeon said he removed four bone chips and also a big bone spur, I wish he'd saved those because I would have put them in a frame and hung 'em on the wall underneath the sheep mount.

I wrote a story on the hunt and submitted it to Gray's Sporting Journal. Their editor at the time was a guy named Jim Babb, he said he liked it but then he retired. About a year went by and I didn't hear back from them so I sent it to another magazine and they published it. Right after that Gray's new editor contacted me and said they wanted to publish it, but not if it already ran in another magazine. Too bad, it would've been cool to have had a story in Gray's.

A wise man is frequently humbled.