Originally Posted by Jeffrey
Good bet for parents out there, don’t send you daughters to college in NO.

The story is that she went to the bar to meet up with the 17 year old. His photo hasn't been released but the NAACP is supporting him, so she was there to race mix. The she elects to get blackout drunk with him and his darkie friends. There were some boomers earlier in the thread who thought the only way she would let a pair of darkies run a train on her is if she was afraid for her life, but those guys have probably not been out of their houses except to go to the post office in the last 30 years.

As for her parents, anon found her father's Faceberg account. That he is a Faceberg user is bad enough but his posts there were all about which spookball team was his favorite and which spookball player was best and celebrating spookball team wins. There is plenty of blame to go around for this but that guy is not capable of preparing a White daughter to live in the world. He idolized darkies and she likely followed his lead, while he should have taught her how miscegenation comes with a toll.