Originally Posted by Bwana338
Let’s see now.

Medical clinics and Dr. offices are requiring a mask to enter the building.

Some gym’s still require a mask to still enter and workout.

So going to a business, one needs to have a medical mask or an other than medical mask available to enter. I like having a mask available for my dr. Apt so i have a mask in my vehicle. So that i am able to be seen.

I don't.
And I generally don't put one on.
Sometimes, someone will "There is a mask station by the door if you missed it"
usually get one then. Mostly, they don't say anything.

Been to the Doc 3 times in 3 weeks.
Mask up sign on the door.
One or two people total have wore one.
Most of the staff doesn't.
But they are the only local office not co-opted by UPMC.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!