Stock was definitely changed out. You see these featherweight stocks on ebay frequently. The WRA ones, not so much, but original FWT stocks are on there all the time. A tell tell sign is also how the receiver fits in the stock near the barrel. It looks like it was slightly opened up at the front of the receiver. If it were mine, I'd glass bed it properly to make that union tight there. It was rebarreled. It should not be stamped "XTR", as that was dropped in '89. Your rifle was definitely produced around '94, based on serial #. Some of the pics are not super clear, but the stamping "featherweight" looks weird and the front of the receiver looks like it may have been heated up. Maybe to remove the barrel??? That may just be a poor picture though or shadow?? If this is a new to you rifle, I'd check the headspace. It's probably fine, but always a good idea to check when you aren't sure and when the barrel has been changed out. You never know who did the work. The rifle looks nice, but has been "pieced" together IMHO. Personally, when buying something like this, those are all points that need to be brought up, as they are bargaining chips, as I see it.

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.