Originally Posted by Dave_Spn
Originally Posted by CashisKing
Spoke with the Treasurer of my local county to confirm...

.GOV pays no taxes

They use our local roads, water, sewer, schools et al...

Most .GOV operates as a Buisness.

USCG here has barracks for their employees... The employees use our local roads, water, sewer, schools et al...

The National Park Service charges a fee to visit... That is a business for sure.

They occupy local land of extremely high value and pay zero for it... while the rest of us... Business or Private... are saddled with EVER INCREASING PROPERTY TAXES.


Woot... Woot... " PILT payments totaling $549.4 million"

52,110,996.53 acres in National Parks...

That comes out to $0.11 per acre...

A 100 acre spread in Colorado pays more or less than $11 a year?

Anyone help me out here?

1,000 acre spread would be only $110?

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.