Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by BuzzH
Dummy, your math and ability to talk out of your ass is on par with Wyoming's governor.

PILT pays significantly better...click the link and educate yourself.

That's fugging LIE. And you are a shameless liar.

I have been in on ground floor county govt that got PILT. And compared to property taxes, which county govts run on, PILT was just pennies on the dollar. NOT more money than property taxes by any stretch of the imagination.

Private property is much more than just raw land value. The county taxes houses and improvements on private land. There are no houses and improvements allowed on public land owned by the Forest Circus or BLM, and therefore can't be taxed.

Read the article dummy...private ag land here is taxed at 31cents an acre.

PILT pays $2.67 an acre for that exact piece of ground if it were owned by the feds.

Those are facts...end of story.