I've been on the modified Dupont schedule quite a bit over my career, and always 12hr shifts. Loved the long change. The short flop does suck but you only have one short per cycle. A week off once a month without it hitting your vacation time was worth it.

My advice is to be a little flexible until you find what works for you. My thing is to treat days and nights the same. I eat, goof off, shower and sleep at about the same time regardless of which half the day I'm working. Blackout curtains and either white noise or brown noise are huge. So is melatonin and ashwagahnda(sp?).

I get some funny looks sipping bourbon at 7am sometimes but people judge, and I don't care.

“You never need fear a man, no matter what his size. When danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize.”
Samuel Colt.

�Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.� - Ralph Waldo Emerson