Longhaul trucking count?
3100 miles/wk in a gutless 55mph truck.
With at least one day off a week?
Worked until I could sleep, slept until I had to go.
Whole different situation that doesn't exist anymore.

Familiar with the Dupont Schedule.
Any company that does it is signaling the value they put on employees.
Commodities to be maximized.
Not humans living a life.

Best shift I've ever worked was 8 10 hour days, 6 off and repeat. 5ish to 3ish.
Always had to work Friday.
Was a driving job and not hours of service legal, but it was great.
After 8 days you were glad to be off.
Having 6 off every other week, I often was happy to go back to work.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!