My sister has her nose in the air, thinks her crap doesn't stink.

One day something stunk, I looked at my niece and ask, "Amanda did you fart".

Sister got on her high horse, "We don't use that language, WE say passed gas".

"Hell, It's not like I said Amanda, did you shìt your pants!"

My wife still laughs over that, It's been 20 years.

Originally Posted by Pappy348
Let me be the first…

When two people are riding in an elevator and one of them farts, both of them know who did it…..

One day at work I had epic gas, volume and quality.
Walked back to a small room where one guy and a woman were working,
I stood outside the plastic curtains for a long time trying to get it to draw
inside without them knowing I was there. Just wouldn't happen.

Love to drop a good one alone in an elevator before i get off.
Then watch folks get on.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!