My wife and I went to a funeral. We only knew the son of the deceased and son's wife.
The church was overly packed, but we barely found room in one pew and squeezed in.

My wife was seated next to a tiny old lady, and all during the service she passed gas.
Not my wife - but the old lady. Her farts were continuous and burned the eyes as
well as the nose. - The whole church was aware of a problem.

When leaving, I commented to my wife, how sorry I felt for that poor old lady
with the gas problem. My wife whirled around angrily saying, "I DON'T!"

I was shocked! I asked my wife how she could be so heartless as to some
poor lady who couldn't even help herself.

My wife retorted, "Couldn't Help Herself?" "That lady bent over, lifted a cheek,
glared at me eye to eye, and Blasted Away!'

"That Was No Accident." "THAT Was On Purpose!"