Top of the morning, I trust you're having a decent day wherever in the world this finds you and that it finds you well.

I listened to the entire first interview and watched part of it - headphones on and doing some laundry that day I think it was.

Anyways, I didn't think he said anything about PM Socks that anyone else hasn't said a thousand times previous, but then again that board in Ontario is partially peeved at Prof. Jordan Peterson because he retweeted a Pierre Poilievre tweet.

Perhaps they - whomever all "they" might be - didn't like Dallas revealing his disgust for the prisoner who admitted to raping over 200 women and girls? Can't have that sort of thing wandering about in the open air can we?

I'm not sure but it's more evidence that "they" are pretty focused on controlling the message.

We'll see where this all ends up.

All the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"