In the late 1990's my family fenced in 600 acres of Pennsylvania forest. For awhile it was used to take my father through his retirement, but he has since passed. This property is amazing and while you may not like the idea of fenced hunting, this place has been a joy to be part of. The elk on it have been born without contact with man for many, many generations and are extremely elusive. This is not like the places that stock elk that were raised in a pen and then hunt them. The fact is,
while they may not be able to migrate to the next county, if you kick one up and don't get it, you will likely not see it again in the cover of the thick forests. The property has a 5 mile long perimeter fence 10' tall, only. No smaller fenced areas. I know of no other place on the eastern half of the USA where someone can hunt elk that are not tame, or require a lottery to get the chance at one.
Listed here is our website. Should you know of any interested people or even groups, please connect them with our website. The lodge has 7 small bedrooms.
Thank you for looking!

Last edited by 1899guy; 03/12/23. Reason: typo and missing info.