Originally Posted by hillestadj
Just as all women are at least a 4 crazy all jobs are at least a 5 suck.

If the money is right and you can keep from redlining more days than not it is time to suck it up and get on with it.

Careful making anything you are passionate about your job. Has a tendency to turn 'fun' into work.

A realistic perspective. The truth is that most jobs suck. That's why it's called work and they pay you to do it.

Part of the problem is another form of entitlement - unrealistic expectations. Started around the '80s, "actualize yourself", the Army picked up on it with the "Be all you can be" slogan. Around that time I began supervising professional women. They really got caught up in it. I called them the "80s ladies". Old boy networks, fast tracks, mentors, power suits, a whole array of such crap. Didn't believe they should have to work their way up, pay their dues.

Another reality is that much job dissatisfaction is with the boss. Oh, a quitting employee won't say that, doesn't want to burn bridges, so they say they are leaving for more money, a better opportunity, etc. etc. It's really because they think the boss is an azzhole. Few managers will bother looking in the mirror, so the charades play on.

Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.