As an Arkansas resident, I can pay $35.50 to hunt. But I load my license up with extra stuff I don't need like federal duck, AR waterfowl, turkey, etc. stamps to support conservation programs in the state so I wind up paying a bit over $100 ($117 maybe?). I have a good Louisiana friend who has a great hunting camp in Mississippi. So paying the non-resident licensing isn't as much of a burden since I can otherwise hunt there cheaply & often. I paid around $475 this last year for their NR MS Super Sportsman license. It looks like it's going up to $514 this year. In Louisiana, I just get a NR Fishing license since since I haven't hunted there since I was in college. I'll pay around $750 for licenses in three states this year. Whenever I hunt in Texas I usually just get a license for a few days since this isn't a regular thing. All together it's not cheap but for the number of days I spend outdoors & the amount of enjoyment I have, I think it's worth it. If it ever becomes problematic I can always just stay local & pay the minimum.